Lindsay R. Levey, Principal & Head of Responsible Investing, and Lindsey King, Partner & Head of Investor Relations
Responsible Investing
Our Policy
Our investment approach is focused on identifying attractive businesses, improving operations, driving growth through operating and strategic initiatives and positioning our companies as attractive targets for acquirers. We recognize the importance of environmental, public health, safety, transparency and social issues and the role that they play in the success of our investment strategy. We seek to manage and improve environmental, social and governance ("ESG") factors both in our diligence process as well as throughout the life of our investments. We believe this creates long-term value for both our investors and our communities.
We have adopted the following Responsible Investing policy to guide both our due diligence and investment management processes. The goal is to mitigate ESG risks that may have a negative impact on our businesses and make better decisions about our investments and their ongoing management.
Our investment professionals are primarily responsible for ensuring that the consideration of ESG issues is integrated into investment decisions. Where the investment team believes additional subject-matter expertise is needed for success of ESG due diligence, remediation or monitoring, it may utilize external advisors as relevant and necessary. We have established a Responsible Investing Committee, which includes both investment and operations team members, to oversee the implementation of the Responsible Investing program, as well as initiate and lead the firm-level ESG initiatives.
Due Diligence
We evaluate material ESG risks during reviews of potential portfolio companies where the investment team believes it is reasonable and appropriate for the investment. As necessary, this is achieved by engaging external advisors to heighten the assessment of ESG value creation opportunities and risks for acquisition targets. When material ESG issues are identified, they are evaluated and shared with the investment committee.
Investment Management
When necessary, we work with portfolio company management to support the development of a corrective action plan to mitigate material ESG risks and adverse impacts identified in due diligence. We engage external advisors, where appropriate, to aid in implementing such plans and to monitor ongoing progress of remediating material ESG issues. We also invite portfolio companies to provide certain ESG metrics and report on the progress and outcomes at the relevant portfolio company.
Internal Management & Accountability
In addition to managing ESG risks at the portfolio company level during due diligence and throughout an investment, we strive to proactively manage firm-level ESG risks, enhance the ESG management capacity of our investment professionals and establish accountability within the firm and transparency to our limited partners. First, we have implemented internal measures to address firm specific ESG risks, which may include ethics and compliance, anti-bribery and corruption, equal employment opportunity, data privacy and security. Second, this Responsible Investing policy is available to the entire investment team in order to raise awareness of ESG issues and their potential impact on our investments. Third, we provide updates on our Responsible Investing program to investors annually.
AIC Guidelines
As an American Investment Council (AIC) member firm, we support its ESG efforts. For more information on the AIC guidelines for responsible investing, please click here to visit their website.