Investment Disclaimers
You acknowledge that the content of the Website is provided for informational purposes only and is intended to provide information regarding Crestview’s capabilities with respect to potential portfolio investments. The Website is not intended to solicit investors for any security or investment product managed or sponsored by Crestview and may not be relied upon for such purpose. Nothing contained in the Website constitutes an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to buy any investments or securities. Any such offer or solicitation will be made only pursuant to a confidential offering memorandum, subscription agreement or other applicable offering documents relating to such securities which will qualify in their entirety any information on the Website and will be subject to the terms and conditions contained in such documents. PAST PERFORMANCE IS NOT A GUARANTEE OF FUTURE RESULTS, AND YOU SHOULD NOT ASSUME THAT ANY RESULTS FOR PORTFOLIO INVESTMENTS OF CRESTVIEW FUNDS WILL BE ACHIEVED FOR OTHER INVESTMENTS. To the extent the Website contains forward-looking statements with respect to Crestview’s portfolio investments, you should be aware that future results may differ significantly from those anticipated by such forward looking statements.
Crestview’s provision of information to you through the Website, including information regarding Crestview’s current and historical portfolio investments, does not constitute the rendering of investment, consulting, legal, accounting, tax or other advice or services. You should not rely upon the information on the Website for making business, investment or other decisions or use such information as a substitute for consultation with professional advisors.
Crestview’s Operating Executives, Senior Advisors and Vice Chairmen assist Crestview in evaluating and managing investments and often act as directors or senior management of portfolio companies. Such persons are independent consultants (and not part of the full-time dedicated staff) of Crestview, and related fees or expenses will be charged to Crestview’s funds or portfolio companies. Crestview also has established a strategic alliance with a non-affiliated firm to provide investment opportunities to Crestview’s funds in Western Europe. This strategic alliance is with independent investment firm, Aleph Capital Partners Limited. All investment decisions with regard to Crestview’s funds are made by Crestview’s investment committee.
As used in the Website, the term “General Partner Participation” refers to participation in a fund as of its final closing by the general partner of such fund and certain of Crestview’s principals, employees and advisors and family members, family investment vehicles or employee benefit plans of any such persons.
As used in the Website, the term “Investment Committee” refers to the investment committee of each of the fund complexes managed by Crestview.
Conflicts of Interest
Crestview has appropriate guidelines in place to monitor and manage conflicts should they arise.
Last Modified: November 1, 2022